Do you have any puzzles you have already completed (or will likely never complete!) that have all their pieces and could use a new home?  Community puzzles have become an integral part of the library this year. We always have a puzzle going, and most periods of the day a student or two (or three!) will sit down for a few minutes to take a break and relax...and challenge their mind in a totally different way than the rest of the busy academic day. Here in the library we believe puzzling is much better way to take a break - and connect with others-  than doom scrolling or zoning out on a cell phone! 
Mrs Barrett has been purchasing puzzles (often gently used, from Chapter Two Books) but can't keep up with the demand so Charlotte Holubar, a senior who has class in the library each day, suggested a MG PUZZLE DRIVE!!  Please keep in mind that students ages 12-18 will be working on these puzzles and prioritize puzzles with designs that would be interesting and enjoyable for that age group. (Older puzzles often have outdated designs and are not as enticing.)  We LOVE 1000 piece puzzles the most, but will accept 750 or 500 piece puzzles with fun or challenging designs!

WAYS TO DONATE:  Send in with your MG student to drop at the library; adults may drop off at the main office, or you can contact MG librarian Liza Barrett to come pick them up! 

Mrs Barrett and Charlotte