We want to take a moment to remind you about the appropriate use of your school-issued Chromebooks. These devices are provided to you as a tool for learning and are the property of the school. Here's what you need to know:
Financial Responsibility
You are financially responsible for any damage that occurs to your Chromebook. This includes cracked screens, missing keys, or any other form of physical damage. The most common form of damage we see is broken screens due to CB closing on earbuds, pencils, etc. Treat your Chromebook with care—don’t leave it in unsafe places, and use it responsibly.
Screens start at $40 and are priced upwards; students that do not pay are not eligible for graduation.
Digital Responsibility
Be mindful of your online activities. Following legal regulations, schools are required to filter content on your school accounts. We receive notices if content on your account could be harmful or a safety concern. Please keep in mind every website you visit and every message you send through your school account, whether at school or at home, is visible to school administrators.
Your digital footprint regardless of account or device does not go away. Remember that everything you post online leaves a digital footprint that can be seen by others, including potential employers and colleges.
Be mindful of what you share and how it represents you. If you wouldn’t want a parent, teacher, or administrator to see something you type or send, don’t do it.
Community Respect
Avoid using your Chromebook to engage in any behavior that disrespects or harms others, including sending inappropriate messages or accessing unapproved sites. Your actions reflect on you and our school community.
You are responsible for all actions on your digital accounts. Do not share your password with any other students. If you know someone's password, do not login as them.
Remember, your Chromebook is a privilege and an important part of your education. Treat it responsibly and use it wisely. If you have any questions about proper use, please speak with a teacher or administrator. Thank you for your cooperation!