Hello students and families,
Next week, we will begin the two week Advanced Placement exam testing period. We have multiple exams being administered most days from Monday, May 6th until Friday, May 17th. Below are a few reminders to get yourself prepared for your exams.
This Week:
- Date & Start Times of Exams: Take a look at the MGRS AP Exam Schedule to make sure you know what day and time you will be testing. This is also posted outside of the main office and in Counseling.
- Locations & Length of Exams: Students will receive a Google Calendar Invitation Email that specifies your individual testing location and length of exam. Use this calendar invitation to plan transportation (late bus, pickup, etc).
- Review the AP Terms & Conditions before your first exam. You will be responsible for understanding and bound by these Terms and Conditions as they exist on test day.
- You are welcome to browse more information on the College Board’s AP Exam website.
Test Week:
- For each day you are testing, you only need to report to school for your scheduled exam. Your absence from classes for that day will be excused.
- For each day you are not testing, you are expected to follow your regular class schedule.
- In order to begin exams on time, we expect all students to arrive at their testing room 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam.
- Exams that begin at 8:00am - arrive by 7:30am
- Exams that begin at 12:00pm - arrive by 11:30am
- If you do not arrive on time, you will not be allowed to test during the regular testing window. You will be required to test during the makeup exam week, and there may be a late fee of $40 imposed by the College Board.
- If you are taking two exams in one day, you should receive special instructions from Ms. H by email regarding where to eat lunch.
- Remember to bring with you each time you test (for both digital and paper exams):
- 2 sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils)
- 2 pens with black or dark blue ink
- A watch that does not have internet access, beep or make noise, or have an alarm (not required)
- Up to 2 approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, or AP Statistics Exam.
Students will not be able to access their bags, cell phones or other personal items for the duration of their exam. Students should coordinate snacks and rides accordingly.
If students finish the exam early, they must sit quietly and wait for dismissal. Students will not be permitted to leave the testing room early or to work on other tasks in the testing room.
If for any reason you are not able to test during your assigned testing period, please contact me immediately. You may be able to retest during a scheduled makeup session during the week of May 20th, but it must be for a reason approved by the College Board, and it is time-sensitive. There also may be a late fee of $40 imposed by the College Board.
If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible.
I wish you the best of luck on your exams!
Ms. H
AP Coordinator